Containers on steroidsAs container technology continues to evolve from its
earliest days on UNIX, it has found its way into new uses and deployments,
inspired by the imagination and creativity of software developers and IT
With the birth and development of the next generation of
container platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos and others since 2013,
that progression has bloomed even fuller, adding microservices into the mix,
allowing even more innovations for enterprise use of containers and
applications.Containers isolate software from their surroundings, and
package an application’s code, runtime, system tools, libraries and other
components into a lightweight, stand-alone executable that can be run in any
environment. Microservices are the creation of smaller parts of an application
that can run individually and be separately maintained, instead of as part of a
larger, monolithic application.What makes today’s containers particularly different is how
they can be more efficient and more secure than containers in the past,
especially by running microservices within them.At Capital One Financial, containers and microservices have
been used in production over the past several years to deliver gains in
matching workloads to compute resources, which has been driving efficiencies in
the company’s use of containers, according to Sathiya Shunmugasundaram, a lead
software engineer.
“The maturity model has improved significantly,” he says.
“Now with finegrained microservices you design exactly each component with the
right sizing of compute resources” to significantly reduce the compute needs of
the company’s IT systems.To accomplish this in production, new APIs are being doubled
up in containers, while legacy APIs are being rewritten from a monolith to use
the best practices of containers and microservices, says Shunmugasundaram. At
the same time, legacy APIs and applications are being broken up into
microservices and deployed into containers as well.“The confidence that is coming out of other people’s
adoption, and microservices themselves, have been evolving successfully,” he
says. As container technology evolves, microservices become more realistic and
functional. “That is what makes the containers more efficient compared to the
past.”Chris Collins, a senior automation engineer and a leader of
container strategies in Duke University’s Office of Information Technology,
says the swirling changes involving containers in the last few years is
encouraging the school to continuously update its approach to them.“It’s not like this is an extremely mature technology,” says
Collins. “People are coming up with new things. We’re kind of rethinking the
way we’ve done things and some of the decisions we made two or three years ago
don’t really apply now. The ecosystem has changed.”At Duke, when it comes to containerization and
microservices, there’s a philosophy brewing that just about everything can be
containerized if desired, starting with low-hanging fruit such as Web services,
says Collins. And as new containers are added, that process is leading to the
development of additional microservices.“It’s pretty easy to take a traditional application and
containerize it in multiple containers and then they’re ripe for becoming
microservices, especially if they do jobs in the back end,” he says. “That’s
what we’re going for now, but we’ve also containerized DNS servers and all
kinds of other things.”A Helping HandContainers and microservices “scratch each other’s backs,”
says Vincent Batts, principal software engineer for container architecture in
the office of the CTO at open source software company, Red Hat.What has encouraged this relationship is that container
platforms such as Kubernetes and others have grown and evolved their ecosystems
in recent years, allowing microservices to become more flexible and
approachable for IT professionals and enterprises, he says.“You can now deploy these microservices into Kubernetes to
extend your container platform and that lets you run your containers easier,”
says Batts. “I think containers are making microservices more efficient and
microservices are making container orchestration more efficient or more
enabled.”Inside Red Hat, containers have aided IT processes the
company was already doing internally, such as scanning for vulnerabilities,
adding single sign-on capabilities and more. Using microservices, those
services and functions are easier to deploy, manage and integrate, says Batts.
“It’s pervasive at this point.”In addition, container platforms of the past few years have
also gained major improvements in security and stability that are required by
enterprises, spawned largely due to the specific business-critical, musthaves
of corporate users, says Batts. “There are wild amounts of improvements … all the way down
to nitty gritty details inside the kernel,” he says. “We are orders of
magnitude better off now than we were four years ago as far as containers go.”As additional enterprises evaluate containers and
microservices to determine if they would be a good fit for their IT
infrastructures, Batts says enterprise IT leaders must look at their specific
internal use cases to figure out where it would make sense to deploy the
technologies.That’s the approach being taken at Duke University, where
establishing a true microservices environment is still relatively new, says
Collins. That meant familiarizing themselves by first containerizing some
traditional applications, getting familiar with those environments and then
looking to see how they could break some of the applications up into the
smaller pieces as microservices to make things even more efficient.“It’s a lot less complex so development of each piece and
maintaining them becomes a lot easier,” says Collins. “We’re just moving the
complexity from development to infrastructure, but I think there’s going to be
a general gain overall.”Kelsey Hightower, staff developer advocate for Google Cloud
Platform and a widely known container and open source luminary, says he
believes that while the topics of containers and microservices get much of the
attention today, it is really the underlying platforms like Kubernetes, Mesos
and Docker Swarm that should be getting the credit for the most important
recent advances in the field.“Where the efficiencies have come from has been the growth
in container platforms,” which can more densely pack and better manage
containers and microservices, he says. “When containers did show up on the
scene, it made it easier to package those applications we’d been writing in a
common format. It’s these tools that give the efficiencies today … not the
containers themselves.”Microservices are also providing improvements for containers
because the code being written and used for them today is the result of better
libraries available to and used by developers. “With most of these
microservices, most developers aren’t writing all that stuff from scratch,
they’re writing their business logic and importing libraries,” he says.The Sprawl EffectWith the arrival of the Docker container platform in 2013,
enterprise users began rediscovering containers as a new way of running
applications using an alternative to virtual machines alone. At that point,
interest in container technology was lackluster. Instead of having to run
inside a virtual machine (VM), with a weight of a full operating system and
other resource-hogging components, applications could be run in their own
virtual environments inside containers. By running inside containers, which
take up less space than VMs, applications start up almost instantaneously, as
opposed to the tendency of VMs to be slower due to the additional resources
they require to run. (The first implementation of container technology was
chroot in 1982, which ran on UNIX. There have been more than a dozen other
container approaches since then, including today’s current generation of
container offerings.)The increasing enterprise task of running applications
inside VMs has been a steady trend in recent years, but it has also led to
problems of VM sprawl being faced by some companies as it becomes harder to
manage all the VMs they are using.Integrating the use of containers and microservices can
potentially help reduce and better manage VM sprawl issues, but it depends on
the circumstances, say experts.“For some infrastructures, [VM sprawl] might be a real
problem because they don’t even know what is running and where, and the
management of that is just a real burden,” says Batts. “So that might be a real
winner for them. For some infrastructures, that’s just not a concern.”If an enterprise is experiencing serious VM sprawl and is
looking to find a realistic way to manage it, the company can evaluate if
switching to containers could help reduce the sprawl problems, says Batts. Yet
it’s not always a certain fix, he admits.“If switching to containers doesn’t solve or make their VM
sprawl go away, it just adds another thing to manage. I don’t think containers
are going to unseat virtual machines, but they will definitely simplify some
use cases that folks were running using virtual machines previously,” he says.Collins, of Duke University, sees a direct correlation
between the use of containers and reductions in VM sprawl inside the school’s
IT infrastructure. With containers, enterprises like Duke can place hundreds of
them onto a single host, depending on how many resources they use. Containers
do not require the overhead of running a full-blown operating system like a VM requires,
he explains.“We did really look at trying to do this as a way of
containing VM sprawl,” he says. “Getting a whole bunch of containers onto a
host makes it a more efficient use of your host,” which can reduce the number
of VMs that must be run. Of course, there are tradeoffs with containers as well
and the IT team is still in the process of figuring out the right mix of
strategies, according to Collins. “It’s really not just as easy as throwing a hundred
containers on a host, because you have to worry about routing and ports and
making sure that there’s orchestration of the containers and connecting them
together correctly and in the right order,” he says.Meanwhile, Google’s Hightower takes a different view on VM
sprawl. He thinks containers make the sprawl worse when they are used by IT
staffers who do not fully understand them, essentially trading one problem for
another. By adding containers into the mix with VMs, users are then faced with
two technology issues they must worry about, compared to one issue previously.“There is a container sprawl because people are bringing in
these containers and are not quite sure how they’re built,” says Hightower.
“Once the process starts running, it’s going to be leveraging the additional OS
layer that’s inside of that container and that’s where the sprawl starts to
come from.”Fortunately for enterprises that are working with containers
today, the improved management tools included with Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and
other platforms can be used to help control these additional issues by keeping
track of what is running and where it is running, he says. “That’s a new
capability that most people didn’t have before.”Analysts’ OutlookSo, where and how will containers and microservices fit into
enterprise IT plans and strategies in the future?According to recent predictions from research firm Gartner,
by 2020 more than 50 percent of global organizations are expected to be running
containerized applications in production, which is up from less than 20 percent
that are running them today. Some 65 percent of Gartner’s customers report,
meanwhile, that they are presently experimenting with containers in their test
labs.“We’re clearly seeing growing adoption of containers in the
customer environments,” says Arun Chandrasekaran, a Gartner research vice
president. “The new breed of containers are more application-focused or
application packaging-focused, rather than infrastructure- and
hardware-focused” as in the past. “This is a primary benefit of these
containers today,” because this provides more hands-on tools for developers to
customize needed applications, he says.The figures are much smaller, though, when it comes to
estimating the number of enterprise users of microservices today, he adds. A
few years ago, microservices were only being used by Silicon Valley giants like
Facebook, Netflix and Amazon, as well as by Wall Street banks, but in 2018 he
is seeing the trend beginning to seep into the enterprise among sophisticated
users and organizations that incorporate advanced technologies and platforms.So far, the use of containers and microservices is not being
seen much within mainstream enterprises, says Chandrasekaran, but that’s due
mostly because those businesses rely mainly on legacy applications and
typically do not have the open source staff experience needed for such
implementations.As that changes, however, the benefits of containers and
microservices will likely spread to more enterprises, he says. “Containers are
clearly much more efficient from a developer standpoint because … you’re not
actually spending a lot of time managing infrastructure, you’re really spending
time writing code, which is really what developers want to do.”And because containers are more lightweight compared to VMs,
that presents enterprises with another big potential benefit — the ability to
consider and implement hardware consolidation efforts, he says.In considering prospective microservices implementations,
enterprises should carefully evaluate all the primary benefits that offer promise
for IT operations, says Chandrasekaran, including greater agility, which lets
developers build and deploy application code faster, as well as faster scaling
capabilities due to their smaller and independent attributes.In addition, the distributed development capabilities of
microservices, which enable the breakdown of applications into smaller
components that can be simultaneously built by separate software teams anywhere
in the world, can also speed up development schedules, helping companies accelerate
their product and business efforts. Microservices can also be useful for risk
reduction, he says, since they are smaller components and do not represent a
single point of failure or large failure target in enterprise systems.Gary Chen, research manager of software defined compute with
IDC, says he views microservices and containers as a perfect fit for each
other, making them useful tools for a wider swath of enterprises as they
explore new ways of working with VMs and critical business applications.“We see containers being used for microservices and for
traditional monolithic applications as well, so it’s not limited,” says Chen.
“Containers are certainly ideal for microservices because the microservices are
small things and containers are very efficient for holding lots of small
things. VMs are not efficient for that. They’re good at holding big things, but
when you have lots and lots of small things, VMs become very inefficient.”
Todd R. Weiss is a contributing editor to ChannelE2E and MSSP Alert. He is an award-winning technology journalist and freelance writer who covers the full range of B2B IT topics. He served as managing editor at EnterpriseAI.news and was a staff writer for Computerworld and eWeek.com. He is a diehard Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles, Flyers and Sixers fan and says he is the world’s worst golfer.
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