The planning for the party is shaping up, but in traditional Security Weekly fashion, a lot of the details are coming in at the last minute.
We’ll have some totally rockin’ DJs from DJ Great Scott’s crew (when when have confirmation, we’ll let you know exactly who). We’ll have adult beverages – we’re looking at an open tab for a certain dollar amount, and when the free drinks are gone, cash bar will be available.
We’re also exploring some awesome (and geeky) visual displays as well. These are guaranteed to be all sorts of fun. All I’m saying: super schweet lasers.
You know you want in. You’ll need one of these:
Yes, part of the badge has been intentionally obscured.
Also, the i-Hacked guys will also have their own sets of badges to give out that look different (and are awesome). How they give theirs out are their call.
So, how do you get a Security Weekly badge? The rules are pretty clear:
- Hot strippers of the female variety are awesome. Hot female midget strippers are also awesome. Just sayin’.
- Bribery. See #1.
- Come find us at our booth in the vendor area and tell us why you need to be there. This will take some convincing, so try hard. See #1 and #2.
- Come find us at our booth in the vendor area and show us the “picture that pays”. Electronic or printed copies are OK, but you need to show it to us – no thumb drives, urls, etc. This is very simple puzzle and everything that you need to find the clues is in this blog post.
Come find us early. When the passes are gone, they are gone.
See you at DEFCON.