Encryption, Privacy, Threat Intelligence

Cybercrime-enabling Matrix encrypted messenger dismantled by law enforcement

BleepingComputer reports that Matrix, an encrypted messaging platform leveraged to facilitate cybercrime, has been disrupted as part of a Europol and Eurojust-coordinated international law enforcement effort dubbed "Operation Passionflower."

Initially identified in the phone of the assassin of Dutch journalist Peter de Vries, Matrix — also known as Mactrix, X-quantum, Totalsec, and Q-safe — was later infiltrated by a joint Dutch and French investigation team, resulting in the discovery and shutdown of 40 servers leveraged by the platform to support at least 8,000 subscriber accounts. Aside from takedown, law enforcement officials were also able to apprehend individuals connected with Matrix, including a Lithuanian man suspected to be its operator, as well as sequester $525,000 worth of cryptocurrency, $152,500 in cash, 970 encrypted mobile devices, and four vehicles. Such a development comes after law enforcement moved to dismantle the Ghost, Sky ECC, Exclu, and EncroChat encrypted phone services.

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